HP 11664A DIY probe replacement

The simple project allows to replace costly HP 11664A detectors for HP scalar network analyzers.
You wil need:
1. easy-to get microwave detectors* such as "Hewlett Packard HP 33330B DETECTOR POSITIVE 0.01-18 GHz"
2. circuit described in pdf file below
3. a piece of shielded RG174 coax (for modulated signal path)
4. 3-wire cable to provide +/- supply and ground return
5. A "C091-3374-501" Amphenol 5-pin connector
*positive and negative output detectors can be used.
Mount proper resistor for diode biasing (R8 for posititive output detectors; R4 for negative output detectors)
The performance is similar to 11664A detector. It will be sufficient for most HAM radio DIY applications.
The 11664C.png file should be helpful for proper soldering of cables.